The social networking world offers many things to individuals and it does the same to the businesses as well. You might know the fact that Twitter, today is a very crucial piece of social media strategy and you must also know the fact that it serves like a friend to benefit your business when you use it to the full potential. You will find numerous success stories out there which say loud and shout about the businesses that have used Twitter for their progression. Here are some benefits of Twitter for a business:
1. Twitter helps you to monitor the real time conversations. This helps you to take notice about how people perceive and conceive your business or the company. Tools available for this purpose are like HootSuite and Tweetdeck. These will help you to monitor tweets and searches.
2. With Twitter, you can extend your customer service to a larger number of audiences. You can then offer them with helpful links and headlines.
3. By following the tweets, you can know and analyze the general problems faced by the consumers. Apart from that, you can get a good idea about the product related issues, PR position, and other issues. If you pick your company under some conversation, then you should take no time to reply to it.
4. Most of the businesses do use methods like cold calls and emails to attract customers to their side, but this does not turn out to be 100% fruitful. People may not choose to return calls or answer the emails, but there is a solution to the problem. Using a tweet, you can actually break the communication barrier that exists between you and your consumers.
5. Using Twitter, you can run special deals and promotions for the possible and the existing customers.
6. A good advantage of Twitter for the businesses is that it can help in building up of your brand image. It extends you to the global audience in no time.
7. Just like the LinkedIn works for you to find the new business contacts, Twitter also lets you find the same with the help of available directories such as Twellow. You can also choose the advanced Twitter search for this purpose.

An enthusiastic Human Being with a zeal to express as much she can in words… and Blogs gave her a medium to express and share her knowledge. Has written for eminent blogs and fields like the social media, internet marketing, technology, lifestyle (tattoos, body art, fashion, etc.), politics, and the list is still increasing.