Marketing always needs social interaction to magnetize people to a particular product or service. Gone are the days of the traditional methods of marketing even internet marketing is no longer considered as a new thing. Social media
is the latest face of internet marketing where sharing and interaction is the most essential method for searching and using information. Social marketing allows businesses and websites to gain popularity over the Internet. There are several channels of social interaction which can be described as social media and these can be social networking websites, video and photo sharing websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Pinterest, blogs, bookmarking sites etc. etc.
If you have business and you really want to get it noticed, social media is the perfect way to grab the attention of the audience towards your business. Social media is a basic part of any Internet Marketing Strategy. Therefore, it becomes necessary to discuss the benefits of Social Media Marketing.
Advantages of Social Media: –
Better Target Audience: – If social media is practiced appropriately it can draw a highly targeted segment of Internet users to visit your business or website. The different tools like tools like widgets and plug-ins available on social media sites help to increase the visibility of content on local as well as on global level. Social media mainly focuses on interactivity and engagement levels.
Brand Establishment: – Millions of people daily visit social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and blogs. Getting your brand name all over these websites and blogs helps creating a company image.
Cost Effective: – Social marketing is one of the cheapest ways of marketing presently available. Almost every social media used for marketing the business either costs nothing or costs a very small amount. This low investment with minimum risk motivates even the small business to use social media for marketing their business.
Brand Recognition and Awareness: – Social Media Marketing uses tools such as blogs to boost awareness and image of the business or service. Blogging simultaneously “spread the word” about a company, its products, and its services to a large number of people in a shorter time thus noticeably increasing brand recognition.
User Friendly: – One of the best advantages of social marketing is that you don’t need to learn any coded language or vast skills to use any social media. Most of the social networking sites are easy to access anyone who knows how to use internet can use social networking tools and create a profile and post information about your business and service.
Increase Customer Loyalty and Trust: – People today don’t trust online advertising campaigns. Most of the internet users are bombarded with advertisements every day even banners and link ads have lost their charm so people normally don’t click on them. But social media speaks to your customers with a personal touch or in a conversational manner. People feel like they are talking to a friend and not a company. This approach helps your company to build their trust in you and they will choose your company for the business rather than your competition.
Since interaction with the audience is the key element in marketing and all businesses wants to increase sales, profit and customer’s visibility. Social Media Marketing if harnessed in a right way and right direction and used properly keeping check on its disadvantages can act as a boon in online marketing.

An enthusiastic Human Being with a zeal to express as much she can in words… and Blogs gave her a medium to express and share her knowledge. Has written for eminent blogs and fields like the social media, internet marketing, technology, lifestyle (tattoos, body art, fashion, etc.), politics, and the list is still increasing.