‘72% of online adults uses social networking sites today and Google searches for ‘social media’ have seen an exponential rise since 2009’. Now, you might have got an idea why marketers now use social networks to interact with their customers.
Some says that staying active on social media takes a lot of time. But, it is not always true that you need to spend hours for an effective social presence. If you feel that you can’t manage longs hours then you can go for methods that help you to reap more in less time. All that matters here is organization and planning. Find out the four-step social media plan which helps you to be socially active, spending just an hour or less:
- Search some good content to share: It will hardly take 10-15 minutes of yours. All you need to do is open your RSS feeder and find out the best information to share. To begin with make a selection wisely of minimum eight to ten posts or articles. Make sure the writings you are sharing are of great interest to your target audience.
- Share scheduling: You can use your scheduling tool for sharing all sorts of posts available on your social media accounts. Scheduling doesn’t mean to do everything at once. Rather it is better if you spread your social shares throughout the day. This will surely help you appealing more of your contacts and it consumes just 10 minutes.
- Sharing your content: This is very important practice which will take just 5 minutes. Sharing your own content, in the form of recent posts on your website blog, images or graphics created by you, some announcements for sale or discount, and much more help you to be socially live.
- Response is must: Responding forms a key part of social media. Interacting once a day with all those who were interested in your business by anyway, fetch exaggeration. Just log into your social accounts and respond directly to those who interacted with your shares. Spending 10-15 minutes will be enough.
Although, the aforementioned steps keep your social media presence active even in you busy times yet, when looking further to enhance your online presence you need to invest a good amount of time!
An enthusiastic Human Being with a zeal to express as much she can in words… and Blogs gave her a medium to express and share her knowledge. Has written for eminent blogs and fields like the social media, internet marketing, technology, lifestyle (tattoos, body art, fashion, etc.), politics, and the list is still increasing.