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Moz Keyword Explorer: A Comprehensive Keyword Research Tool

Moz has happily announced their brand new keyword research tool, which is known as- “Keyword Explorer”. The tool takes users through the entire research process with metrics and scoring to help with keyword selection.

Past from one year Moz was using the tool internally as they tried to use it with few areas of SEO, but never succeeded. Now, after lots of efforts and arguments, Moz finally received a big approval to its KWE with a big challenge.

Moz Keyword Explorer- New Keyword Research Tool

Let’s Take a Quick Overview On Moz…

  • Moz is an SEO based company, which was started in 2004
  • They launch their first Pro app in 2007
  • They’ve generally tried to stay consistent with our core convictions
  • They’ve generally tried to deliver an outstanding experience for all Mozzers as well as their customers
  • Moz has made considerable progress and turned into a pioneer in search as well as digital marketing tools

Keyword Explorer (KWE)

This officially launched “Keyword Explorer”(KWE) tool that makes their users to go easily through the whole research process while giving metrics and scoring to help users in their keyword choice.

The founder of the Moz, Rand Fishkin, focuses on the unique metrics that SEO experts have constantly required for SEO-based keyword research, yet never had.

This is also the first product that users can buy outside of Moz Pro with two alternatives:

  • $600/year level for 5,000 reports/month
  • $1,800/year for 30,000 reports/month

Keyword Explorer: Is it free or paid?

Moz for their users is offering both free as well as paid options for the new launched tool, an alternative is normal among SEO tools. All Mozzers and users can inquire about up to two keywords for each day at no expense. This apparatus is free for all to constrain access. But, if you have a paid account you can explore more features to get advantages.

The paid version of Moz offers significantly more ability as far as the measure of queries, reports and keyword records. You additionally pick up the capacity to make and save custom keyword records and incorporate your own metric: Importance. This permits you to add pretty much weight to your keywords, which will straightforwardly affect their aggregate potential score.

Remarkable Features of Keyword Explorer

Keyword Explorer has unique features, metrics, and usefulness, however, the greatest ones are quite evident and, we accept, profoundly helpful:

1) Keyword Research Process

KWE makes the keyword research process simpler by suggesting keyword ideas for inspiring metrics to build a list, filtering the keywords on it, and organizing which one to target based on the keywords requirement.

2. Metric essentials of the SEO process

KWE highlights metrics crucial to the two of the well-known SEO procedures; Volume:

It demonstrates how frequently a term or expression is looked for in Google every month. No Data means, we have not yet gathered volume for the keyword.

Difficulty: A score from 0 to 100 gauges how troublesome it is for you to rank higher than current contenders on the first page of indexed lists.

And, the three that are less familiar are;

Opportunity: A score of 0-100 gauges the relative click-through-rate of organic web results for this keyword. When other SERP highlights like, advertisements, verticals, and so on, seek searcher consideration, this score is lower.

Potential: A score of 0-100 combines the greater part of alternate metrics, including your custom Importance score. Higher potential speaks to a sweet spot of higher volume and opportunity with less difficulty.

Importance: It is a metrics you can adjust to demonstrate a keyword that is pretty much basic to your campaign or project.

3. 95% Accuracy

As per Moz, the rightness of the keyword data is said to be 95%. The searching tool gives access to anonymized clickstream information obtained through an outsider that Moz can apply to keyword volume ranges.

4. Keyword Suggestions

Keyword suggestions inside KWE originate from all the sources we saw SEOs getting to physically in their research procedure like, Keyword Planner data, Google Suggest, Related Searches, different keywords that the ranking pages likewise positioned for, and keywords found from our clickstream data. These are accessible in KWE’s proposals or suggestions.

5. Import and Export Functionality

Functions like Import and export are firmly upheld. If you’ve as of now got a rundown of keywords and simply need KWE’s metrics, you can without a stress upload on Moz’s search tool and this tool will bring them to you. If you like the KWE metrics and want some changes or addition, you can easily and quickly export the list. KWE is worked in view of force clients, so go ahead and explore the tool’s functionality, however, works best with your procedures.

Best part; KWE Delivers What Their Customers Or Mozzers Want

As this is the brand new version and it will continue updating with the passage of time to reach its maximum potential. The best part of Keyword Explorer is that, for the following 3–6 months, the team that constructed this product is keeping a major part of their bandwidth open to do nothing but make feature additions and updates that is required by the users.

SERP Analysis Report

The full SERP Analysis report tells that what kind of results are currently occurring on the ranking page. Moz will segment every type and demonstrate to you where it shows up in the outcomes. This incorporates everything from organic search results with AdWords, Knowledge Cards, images, surveys, shopping, tweets, videos and news.

Comprehend Your Keywords And Potential Audience

One can investigate the top results in which your keyword was not essentially to the post, but rather still included. Understanding what Google observes to be appropriate, related content can help you gauge your keyword, as well as the potential audience for it.

If a specific topic shows up regularly along with your keyword, it might be worth inquiring about the relationship and how it could apply to your methodology. Keyword Explorer gives you access to the top three pages, but if you have Moz’s Fresh Web Explorer, you can plunge considerably more profoundly into the outcomes.

Despite the fact that Keyword Explorer has just been live for a couple of hours, advertisers, yours genuinely included, are discovering chances to roll out positive improvements to their digital content methodologies.


Coming to a conclusion, keyword explorer launched by Moz is an extraordinary tool to utilize with regards to searching keywords. If you are getting a question in your mind that you can use this tool for organic research or not, and the answer is “yes”.

Keep in mind that all information is slanted, some of the techniques they’ve used to alter the search volume aggregates make this much more exact for organic search than Keyword Planner.

Even if you take a paid membership for KWE, you won’t find it expensive to afford.

Hope you liked the article, please share your reviews in the comment section. You can also check out our latest interview with Mr. Joost De Valk, the founder of Yoast.

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