Hello Readers! In today’s interview we got the opportunity to interview a popular blogger, online marketing expert and founder of BloggersIdeas.com, Jitendra Vaswani.
He is also a founder of a digital marketing agency and institute, Digiexe.com and a WordPress plugin, Schemaninja.
He has shared useful tips with us regarding successful blogging and SEO which you can read in below conversation.
Jitendra: Hey Varun, thanks a lot for having me here on your blog. I am Jitendra Vaswani blogger cum digital marketer, founder of BloggersIdeas, Schemaninja (WordPress plugin) & Digiexe.com (Digital marketing agency & institute).
Till now blogging is going very well and I enjoy my work very well. Nastiest moment in blogging was when people used to ask me what you do for living I used to say I am blogger but they used to make fun of me as they couldn’t understand blogging can actually can give decent life too.
I have seen many bloggers are making huge money through blogging, they make 100K $ per month from blogging, yes its possible. I will surely achieve this target before the age of 30.
Once I reach office I start my day:
-> Checking emails
-> Replying all social messages
-> Check my blog rankings & earnings
-> Decide what to do for whole day by having sticky notes on my laptop
-> Read digital marketing blogs to get myself updated
-> Interact with like minded people.
I don’t waste my time by talking to useless people who gave negative vibes. Surround yourself with positive people and see your business growing 10X.
Jitendra: Yes I have seen many people coming to blogging by seeing earnings of pro bloggers but that is wrong, they don’t see how much hard work they do to make that amount of money.
Dedication and passion is very important for blogging. Newbie get attracted to pro bloggers life and try to imitate them. They fail miserably and then later on get into depression.
For newbie to become pro bloggers they should read failures of pro bloggers. They should learn from their mistakes, this will help them to become more professional and they will be able to handle tough conditions.
Newbies should learn about latest digital trends by following blogs like :
a) Seroundtable.com
b) Searchenginejournal.com
c) Neilpatel.com
& many other blogs.
By getting aware of latest digital trends can help them to survive for long, as digital marketing is constantly changing everyday.
Related Links:An Interview with SEO Superstar- Rand Fishkin of MozAn Interview with Digital Marketing Expert- Neil Patel
Along with above point what are the most important considerations while planning website’s SEO architecture?
To make your landing page SEO optimized you need to follow these tips:1) Design is crucial: If your design is poor nobody is going to engage with your website.
2) Content is king: Yes it is king if you don’t provide value to your readers ten they will bounce back and will never return back to you.
3) On page SEO: On page SEO plays very significant role here when you want to rank your landing page on top of Google. Having right titles & meta description you can surely get more sales from your optimized page.
4) Mobile friendly: make sure that your landing page is smartphone friendly. A good site structure means a great user experience.
When you take away the colors, the fonts, the kerning, the graphics, the images, and the white space, good site design is really about a great structure.The human mind is very unstable— being able to put pieces logically together, finding things where they’re expected, and locating what they are seeking.
Thus, a strong chronological site structure is cognitively satisfying to users.If your site architecture is well managed from the beginning then you can also get site links. Sitelinks are a huge SEO advantage. They increase the navigability of your site, point users to the most relevant information, increase your brand’s reputation, improve user trust, help you dominate SERPs, increase clickthrough rate, and shorten the conversion funnel.
Basically, sitelinks are awesome.For my blog I have sitelinks and they help me get great CTR.Internal linking is very crucial for logical site hierarchy.
Moz.com article on internal links lists three reasons why they are important:
a) They allow users to navigate a website smoothly.
b) They help establish information hierarchy for the given website.
c) They help spread link juice (ranking power) around websites.
P.S: Try to do interviews with experts and you will surely get traffic. I had done this a lot in beginning and got huge traffic for my blog.
Some tools I used for blogging these tools are my blood and I cannot live without them:
a) Ahrefs: For tracking backlinks for competitors
b) SEMRush: Keyword Research tools
c) Spinrewriter: Article spinner for PBN’s
d) Grammarly: To check content quality
e) Moz.com Pro: DA & PA of sites & indepth analysis of site architecture.
f) SchemaNinja ( My Own Product) : For making money through affiliate sites. SchemaNinja have kickass feature like recommendations which no other plugin offers.
Fav hosting brands:
-> Bluehost
-> DigitalOcean
-> Inmotion
-> Greengeeks
If you don’t have good hosting for your blog then you are going to ruin your business. Sustainable blog depend on good host always.
What other important suggestions rather than Wikipedia, you would like to recommend that can genuinely help in getting registered into GKG and if you can show any GKG example that can justify your suggestions?
See there is no sure shot method to be IN GKG but there are certain other methods you can follow:
a) Schema Markup on site
b) Proper design & UI
c) Loading page speed
d) SEO and backlink structure
e) Social links
f) Wikipedia page
For AMO to work better you need follow these programming structure:
This system surely gonna impact SEO rankings in 2017 for sure. So I think business owners have to be aware of that update soon.
Facebook and Google took a big step toward by improving mobile user experience and making website loading time faster. Facebook came up with Instant Articles (IA); shortly after, Google introduced Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP).Google AMP in some of my earlier experiments show that people read more more when content loads instantly. Faster loading time also led to a lower bounce rate.
Google AMP makes your website loads fast and mobile-friendly. Both are parts of the search engine algorithm, so generating an AMP-optimised version of your webpages could improve your ranking (especially if your website is not mobile-friendly and if it is slow), but AMP in itself is not a ranking factor.So having AMP pages content can help in increasing traffic and also site receives lower bounce rate.
a) Schema Ninja
b) All in WordPress Schema Plugin
c) WP product review
d) WP Rich snippets
These are few plugins available in them market to get schema. Schema should be used in ethical way, if you are doing reviews then only use Schema. I have seen many bloggers misuse schema ratings for getting high CTR, this will not work for long term. Once Google caught your site for implementing Schema ratings for any posts then your site me not have schema ratings again.
Also there is no guarantee that if you schema ratings on your pages, google will show Schema ratings, it totally depends on Google & site authority.
I have seen some services based pages schema ratings too have a look at this example:
https://www.google.co.in/search?site=&source=hp&q=seo+services+India+&oq=seo+services+India+&gs_l=hp.3…….0…1.1.64.hp.. will companies have schema ratings on their service pages too.
In my experience, it all depends on authority of that site, if content is well structured and follow google schema guidelines then Schema ratings might appear on Google.
Instant article super fast way for reading article in news-feed. Instant article is great for mobile pages to server faster results. I am sure this feature is going to be huge and everyone will start moving to instant article. I have seen some big Facebook pages already taking advantage of Instant article.
To market an app you need to follow some points mentioned below :
1) Build a site : Showcase your app use on this page
2) Have teasers around your app before launching.
3) Share your app content on your social media channels like Facebook, twitter & Pinterest.
4) Create compelling videos for your app, make it funny & though provoking. Don’t be pushy here, tell a story in a humorous way.
5) Reach out to influencers in your niche & tell them about your app.
6) Start podcasts and build an email list for your app.
7) On app landing page collect emails & then start promoting your app content.
8) Run some giveaways contests on blog to attract more people for your app.
9) Facebook advertising also works here. Use Fb ads effectively to collect emails & promoting videos.
10) Get some speaking opportunities in some of your niche events & promote your app there.
Digital world is changing constantly be updated and don’t depend on single source of income. Make your social circle very strong and surround yourself with people who are on the same mission like you. If you want to start your blog right now I have special guide for newbies to start their blog under 10 mins check this post : How To Launch A Self-Hosted WordPress Blog: In 10 Minutes Or Less
We really thank Jitendra Vaswani for sparing some time from his busy schedule for this interview session.
We hope you all liked this interview and the tips shared by Jitendra Vaswani will surely help you to grow your business successfully.
Please share your thoughts about this interview in the comment section.
Stay tuned with us for more informative interviews.
You can also read the interesting interviews of other influencers of the digital marketing world here.

Started working as a digital marketing expert, Varun Sharma is now also a well-known digital marketing speaker – a speaker on performance development, and a trusted mentor to businesses in the digital world. His keynote expositions are based on the digital marketing theories, which provide a fascinating insight into the secrets of high performance.