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How Black Hat SEO Has Changed Over The Years? How to Use it in a White Hat Way?

Black Hat SEO in 2020

Black hat SEO, as we all know, is used to increase the ranking of a website or page by violating search engine rules. It is a disapproved tactic to gain search visibility through malicious methods.

Building links through comments or other third-party sites is a classic example of Black hat SEO. Other infamous tactics are keyword stuffing, duplicate content, article spinning, and doorway page.

We also know that using such techniques can hurt ranking and even lead to several penalties.

Like white hat SEO, black hat SEO has changed a lot over the years. And the biggest positive of this change is that black hat can be done in a white hat way. In other words, you can do black hat SEO without offending Google or other search engines.

Here I have outlined how black hat SEO has changed over the years as well as how it can be done safely.

First of all, have a look at the key black hat SEO changes over the years.

Doing Black Hat SEO While Following the Google Guidelines:

There was a time when creating thousands of links could bring a website to the top. But Google’s algorithms like Panda, Penguin and Rankbrain have hit hard at such practices.

But that hasn’t discouraged the black hat marketers to give up on their practices. Instead, they have found ways to deal with that.

For example, they can still launch those swarms of links while staying in the search engine guidelines. The next point will clarify it better.

Being Fit for Testing Purpose: 

Yeah, black hat SEO link building can harm your website. However, it can be used for your testing websites.

Creating several backlinks for testing sites can help you see how far you can go with links while staying within the search engine guideline.

And this idea can help when it comes to building links for other sites. For example, you can determine what kind of results you can get if build certain links to and fro your test website.

But this practice is not recommended for financial services sites or your clients.

PBNs are No Longer Useful:

PBN or private blog network is a network of websites being used for building links to a single website to improve (manipulate) its search engine ranking.

Simply put, PBN is a bunch of websites used solely for link building.
They work like content farms to boost the number of links pointing to a domain.

Since links are sourced from multiple websites, you can manipulate the search bots into believing that your website is authoritative, regardless of whether your content deserves links or not.

PBN has been an important black hat SEO method for years. But it is going to meet its fate soon as search engines discourage such practices. Google bots are getting smarter to spot PBNs and your site can end up with a huge penalty if found using PBNs.


The previous points talk about the key changes in the black hat SEO over the years.

These changes hint towards the way how black hat SEO can be used in a white hat way. Simply put, some black hat SEO things can be used without violating the search engine guidelines. In fact, they look like common and accepted practices.

So here are some important black hat SEO techniques that are safe to use.

Using Legitimate Website as Your PBN:

Replace your PBNs with a legitimate website that should be built like a real website. It should be an industry-based website with real content rather than using it as just another site to earn links. This website can be used as your PBN to link back another website. Again, it shouldn’t be used for spamming or launching insane link building.

Approaching other publications (guest posting), writing testimonials and directory submissions can also help you earn links like PBN.

Being Focused on Organic Linking:

Google won’t penalize unless you have too many outbound links or something that can raise a flag. But stay away from expired links. Instead, use brand new links. This strategy can help you build a powerful website that can be used to benefit other websites of your network or client’s website.

Utilizing Link Building to See How it Works for Your Website:

I have already told you that creating plenty of links can work for your testing website. It helps you know where the strategy can lead to.

Bottom Line:

Black hat SEO might not be that “negative practice” if analyzed deeply. Over the years, it has changed a lot and provided some good tactics that can be used in white hat SEO.

But as they say, there is a blurred line between black hat SEO and white hat SEO.

Therefore, do it carefully and with the utmost research.

Prefer keyword research over keyword stuffing, authoritative backlinks over PBNs, and content creation over spinning or rehashing.

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