What is Quora
Quora is today the top-most Question-and-Answer forum on the Internet, which relies on community contributions to provide information-rich answers to curious searchers. It is not solely limited to credible opinions; it also helps people in making decisions and choices.
Why people come to the platform is what makes Quora special. They’re not searches and social networking. There are around 300 million people who go to study, assess products, ask for tips, and learn more about the environment around them every month.
This sharing of information benefits people who are accessible to fresh concepts and new information. This involves those finding accurate knowledge regarding their companies, goods, rivals, and market.
Quora creates a forum and community which is suitable for readers, bloggers, inquirers, and information-seekers, as well as an increasing high-striving population. The information posted by Quora is evergreen, unlike other sites where the material is buried or disappears. This ensures that the comments are not only valid for one day, but that months and years afterward are simple to locate.
What are Quora paid ads, and how to get started?
Quora Ads is a platform that enables users to self-serve to create an account for ads and start showing ads on the Quora website. Anyone can become an advertiser and run their ad campaigns, provided that they meet Quora’s advertising policy guidelines. Specific questions and topics can be selectively targeted using the Quora Ads platform. The pixel data generated can be used to create audiences and target them. Both text and image ads are available to advertisers.
Detailed below is a step-by-step guide to run paid ad campaigns on Quora:
1 Setup a Quora Account
Click on this link and once you land on the page, click on the “Start Now” button. You will receive a step-by-step instruction-based form to submit your business and contact information to create an account. Once all the fields are filled with genuine information, click on “Create Account.”
2 Install Quora Pixel
Quora Pixel is a JavaScript code that needs to be installed on your website by adding it between the
tags of those pages on your website where you want the traffic to be evaluated. Quora Pixel allows you to track events that result in the conversion of traffic and also to build a custom remarketing audience group.
To obtain the Quora Pixel code, click on the “Quora Pixel” option available in the navigation menu, and then click on “Setup the Pixel.” You will see the JavaScript code here, which you need to copy.
3 Create Ad Campaign on Quora
Similar to the Facebook ads account, a Quora ad campaign is a container that contains all ad groups of a particular ad campaign. You can access and manage the ad campaign objectives, budget, and ad schedule from the campaign manager. Click on the “+ Create Campaign” button to start creating an ad campaign on Quora.
4 Ad Set
The Ad Set is the most important module of a Quora ads campaign as it allows you to define who the target audience for your ads will be. You need to invest some time to understand how ad targeting works, without which you will just be essentially wasting your time and money.
There are two types of ad targeting that Quora offers:
a Topic Targeting
Here, topics behave like keywords, providing you the capability to choose the question types where your ads are to be shown.
b Audience Targeting
Here, the Quora Pixel is used to select a particular section of the website visitors and then target them when they revisit Quora.
5 Ad Structure
Quora ads are similar in look to Google Text Ads. Quora ads comprise of the following:
- Business Name – maximum character count: 30
- Headline Sentence – maximum character count: 65
- Body Text – maximum character count: 105
- Display URL – maximum character count: 30
- Performance Measurement
A CPC (cost-per-click) model is implemented by Quora, which means that you pay only if someone clicks on your ad. There are built-in reporting features that allow you to analyze your ad performance and determine the success rate of your ad campaigns and ad sets.
Using Quora for SEO
Quora is one of the most preferred platforms for SEO to rank your website for specific keywords. SERP rankings that include the impact from Quora can hold for not only months but even years. Quora is also amazing in the fact that you don’t need to answer on a whole bunch of questions to get higher traffic and better search rankings. Just focus on the most important questions, and you will be good to gain a lot from Quora in terms of SEO rankings.
Out of every 5-6 answers that you post on questions on Quora, having a backlink to your website on even only 1 of those answers is actually very good. There is no need to try and create a brand image on Quora. Just jump right in, find the valuable questions, and start providing genuine answers to them, which provide value to the readers. Credibility will do wonders for your Quora account and your website’s referral traffic from Quora.
There is another great feature on Quora which allows you to create your own blog. This can help you leaps and bounds in creating credibility and a trusted author on Quora.
Quora is indeed a great source for referral traffic for your website, as it has more than 100 million unique visitors each month. As per Alexa rankings, it is the 122nd most popular website in the world, and for the United States, the ranking improves to an amazing 67th rank.
When it comes to advertisements, Google ads are more intent-based and Facebook, on the other hand, is more interest-based. Quora offers both interest-based on intent-based targeting, and it has revolutionized the way usual questions and answers are seen. Another reason that makes Quora powerful is that it ranks exceptionally well on search engines.
Expert Opinions
According to Foti Panagio, founder at Growth mentor, “Quora ads are relatively new, which means there’s not that much literature about it on the blogosphere. So, if you’re looking for help setting up your Quora campaigns from someone who’s been there / done that – I’d be happy to help. I view Quora a bit like Bitcoin, it might work great, but don’t put all your money on it.”
According to Raghav Haran from Single Grain, “Compared to Facebook, which reports on virtually everything, Quora offers much fewer metrics. The reports are on select metrics that you actually need. There’s definitely an upside on getting metrics about everything, but there’s also an advantage to getting only what you need. The fact that the Quora ads platform largely resembles those of Google and Facebook makes it easy to learn and master since you’re already familiar with most of the features. Although a little slow to roll out its self-serve advertising platform, Quora has finally jumped on board and is starting to give Facebook and Google a run for their money. People are loving it and there are definitely many benefits to advertising on Quora which, thankfully, is fairly easy considering its similar interface.”
According to Emma Wiltshire from Social Media Today, “Quora is similar to Reddit in that it’s all about conversation, but different in that there is less of an emphasis on community. The platform serves as a space for people to ask questions and get answers. Of the three platforms (Reddit, Twitch, and Quora) Quora is probably the best space for your classic B2B brands. They even put together a B2B Marketing Guide on their business site.”
Quora Advertising- Case Study
Here is a case study of a content and copywriting firm looking to get leads through an online platform. They used Quora incorporating the following strategies.
- Quora Pixel installation
- Creating separate ad sets for mobile and desktop
- Designing separate ad copies for different geographies
- Focusing more on Question targeted ads
- Experiment, experiment, experiment
- Designing ad in a question-answer style
- Choosing a red color scheme in our image-based ads
- Scheduling our campaigns.
- Quora Ad Manager screenshot: Imgur
Here is a quick summary of the ad campaign:
- Total Impressions: 217,374
- Total Clicks: 608
- Total Conversions: 348
- Spend: $935
- Revenue Generated: $12,100
The traffic they received from Quora Ads was of high quality. The users felt encouraged to fill up the lead forms with their detailed requirements, and some of them ended up interacting with their customer care for a couple of hours. That’s the power of Quora for this copywriting agency. And it can benefit your company, too.

Started working as a digital marketing expert, Varun Sharma is now also a well-known digital marketing speaker – a speaker on performance development, and a trusted mentor to businesses in the digital world. His keynote expositions are based on the digital marketing theories, which provide a fascinating insight into the secrets of high performance.