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The Role of Social Media in Modern Friendships: Benefits and Challenges

Modern Friendships

We are more connected than ever, thanks to social media. It feels like we know every detail of our friends’ lives: what they eat, where they go, how they feel. But this constant connection has changed how we see friendship. We share intimate details with a wider circle, including people we barely know. The idea of a friend has expanded to include those we don’t see regularly. It’s like we have redefined friendship to fit a world where physical presence isn’t essential.

Let’s dive into the world of modern friendships shaped by the power of social media.

What Kind of Role does Social Media Play in Your Friendship?

Before radio, sharing information was like throwing a needle in a haystack.

Technology has transformed how we communicate. We’ve mastered the art of sharing information, and it’s easy to reach friends instantly. But what does it mean to see only the highlight reel of someone’s life?

Their perfect photos and glamorous experiences can create a distorted view of their reality. This constant exposure to curated images can impact our friendships and how we perceive others. It’s like we are all connected by a vast network, but our individual paths rarely cross.

The rise of social media platforms, from MySpace and Facebook to Instagram and X (formerly called Twitter), has revolutionized friendship, shifting it from a realm confined by physical distance and traditional correspondence to an instantly accessible digital landscape. However, the extent to which this reliance on social media enhances or hinders modern friendships is a complex issue. It is crucial to examine the evolution of friendships in the digital age to understand the role and potential impact of social media on their formation, maintenance, and overall quality.

What do Statistics & Research Tell?

According to research reports,

  • Beyond casual interaction, social media plays a crucial role in forming new friendships. Nearly two-thirds of teens who have made online friends report meeting them through social platforms. Sharing social media handles has become a common way to stay in touch with new acquaintances.

For existing friendships, social media is an essential tool. A vast majority of teens—94%—connect with friends online. Daily or frequent social media interactions are the norm for about two-thirds of teens.

  • A Research Paper titled “The Effect of Social Media Use on Friendship Closeness in Adolescents’ Daily Lives” suggested- “Adolescents who have more frequent contact with friends via social media across the three weeks experience higher average levels of friendship closeness than adolescents who have less frequent contact with friends via social media”

What are The Benefits and Challenges of Social Media?

Positive Impacts of Social Media

  • Fostering Empathy and Connection: Social media can promote empathy and understanding through shared experiences, acts of kindness, and supportive interactions.
  • Sharing Joy and Happiness: Platforms allow users to share positive moments, creating a sense of community and well-being.
  • Building Relationships: Social media can deepen existing friendships and facilitate the formation of new ones through shared interests and support.
  • Knowledge Sharing and Learning: It provides access to information, diverse perspectives, and educational resources on a global scale.
  • Empowering Individuals and Communities: Social media can be a platform for individuals and groups to advocate for change, raise awareness, and drive social impact.
  • Economic Opportunities: It offers opportunities for entrepreneurship, income generation, and financial empowerment.
  • Potential for Positive Change: With its reach and influence, social media has the potential to inspire and create a more positive and equitable world.

Negative Impacts of Social Media on Friendships

Addiction and Distraction

  • Excessive social media consumption can lead to addiction, characterized by compulsive use and withdrawal symptoms.
  • Such addictive behaviors can divert attention from real-world relationships, diminishing the quality of face-to-face interactions.

Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) and Social Comparison

  • The curated highlights presented on social media platforms can induce feelings of inadequacy through social comparison.
  • The fear of missing out on perceived desirable experiences can negatively impact mental health and well-being.
  • Constant comparison to idealized online personas can erode self-esteem and contribute to feelings of envy.

Impact on Friendship Quality

  • The aforementioned factors collectively undermine the depth and quality of friendships.
  • Reduced face-to-face interaction, coupled with negative emotional states, can strain interpersonal connections.
  • Reliance on social media for social interaction can lead to superficial relationships and a diminished sense of belonging.


Q: How can I balance my online and offline friendships?

A: Setting boundaries for social media use, prioritising in-person interactions, and engaging in activities outside the digital world can help balance online and offline friendships.

Q: Is it possible to maintain deep, meaningful friendships through social media?

A: While social media can complement existing friendships, it’s essential to have face-to-face interactions for deeper connections. A combination of online and offline communication is often ideal.

Q: How can I deal with FOMO (fear of missing out) on social media?

A: Practicing mindfulness, focusing on your own experiences, and unfollowing accounts that trigger FOMO can help manage this feeling. Remember that social media often presents a curated highlight reel of people’s lives.


Q: How can I use social media to strengthen my existing friendships?

A: Engage in meaningful conversations, share supportive messages, plan virtual or in-person gatherings, and celebrate each other’s successes.

Q: What are some tips for making new friends through social media?

A: Join groups based on your interests, participate in online communities, be authentic, and be open to meeting new people.


This friendship day, let’s cherish that “friend” who has been an entertaining medium that strengthens the bond between you and your loved ones. As long as you are handling the power of social media well, modern friendships are bound to remain rock-solid.

By Disha Singh

An enthusiastic Human Being with a zeal to express as much she can in words... and Blogs gave her a medium to express and share her knowledge. Has written for eminent blogs and fields like the social media, internet marketing, technology, lifestyle (tattoos, body art, fashion, etc.), politics, and the list is still increasing.

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