Facebook as a social-networking aggregator has taken the meaning of socializing in the virtual world to a whole new level with more than 500 million registered users spending a hell lot of time on this social-networking phenomenon. Over the last few years Facebook has experimented with their interface and various other elements with quite a bit of success rate which has lured in even more users to this one stop for socializing when one is not online or is far away from friends and family.in the last couple of months we have seen the interesting and eye catching Facebook interface called Timeline which is more or less like a magazine which tells a hell lot about you and your activities over the extended period of time.
1) Facebook timeline overview:
This new addition to the Facebook interface has had mixed reaction from users but mostly it has been a big hit. For users who have the tenacity to spend most of their day online Facebook Timeline has come as a welcome addition as they can now flaunt about their online presence even more with their profile landing page looking nothing less that spectacular. While for users who use Facebook only to check out what’s happening around their online circle it sometimes is a bit irritating. But overall Facebook Timeline has been accepted by users with a smile on their face. In true sense Facebook Timeline is like a book of your life which shows all the important events like moving up the academic ladder or the compilation of photos in a visually appealing interface.
2) Facebook Timeline for all users:
Whether you like Timeline interface or not, according to Facebook personnel timeline interface will be applied to all profiles in the next few weeks and even if you don’t like it you’ll have to live with it. Till now it was an optional element of Facebook interface but now there is going to be no escaping from the Facebook Timeline and to be honest it is good enough to be rejoiced by everyone without a doubt.
3)Timeline for brand pages and business firms:
For business firms Facebook timeline is going to be very important as it gives more control over the way users perceive your page visually with the cover picture as the most important part of it all. For opportunistic entrepreneurs and established businessmen this is going to be a blessing in disguise as they can make Facebook pages attractive and appealing which all goes well for the marketing strategies. Facebook has certain rules on what can be displayed in the cover photos as they have clearly mentioned that contact info, calls to action or arrows pointing towards Like button or share button cannot be put. Another important element of Facebook Timeline for brand pages is the option to add accomplishments and important milestones at any point in time which is critical in telling the story of the company or brand.

An enthusiastic Human Being with a zeal to express as much she can in words… and Blogs gave her a medium to express and share her knowledge. Has written for eminent blogs and fields like the social media, internet marketing, technology, lifestyle (tattoos, body art, fashion, etc.), politics, and the list is still increasing.