It is difficult to realize the value of an HR and their role in a company, and the sort of hard work goes beyond is hard to explain. There are some people who disregard an HR’s work profile in every possible way and there are some HRs who get offended when they get such remarks. Human Resource Departments are the lubricants of an office, which remove the chaos and bring things . It’s a pure management based position which falls at the “Foothills of Hierarchy” for a fluid working of production and to maintain a nifty* work environment.
The HR department is often compared to the technical workers and gets bullied for not sharing the work pressure like the others in the office do. It is like blaming ‘Salman Khan’ for not getting affected by GST reforms. It is their credit for choosing a career where they are able to do what they love to. A brief reminder to every HR in the world is, they must not concentrate on what people say about them, they should feel proud about the fact that they are like doctors to the employees, who do not save lives but save their jobs by making them work better.
The Day:
At KVR Webtech
, the HR came up with an idea of re-living the era where exams were the only targets of life. We lived a good amount of time spending hours in an isolated room with books and coffees. For many reasons, reaching there is not possible, but getting the vibes of same makes it a superb plan of action on the Teacher’s Day.
The objective was set to feel the examination pressure and the fear of getting marks. The employees were introduced to a lobby of new English words where the words were provided by the same office colleagues in pairs. Every day there would be a new word on the notice board and everyone tried to give the most difficult words from the ‘Oxford Universe of Words’ to make the test as difficult as it can become. At the end of 2 weeks, all the words that came from employees would be put together into a form of written test.
The employees found it relatively interesting and the enthusiasm with a slight fear was witnessed in the campus. Many employees were found revising the words and their meanings while having lunch. One of the pairs was found taking tests from each other and competed for better marks. Not everyone is a Bibliophile*
Check our video here for all the fun!!
Knocking the special days with celebration can always be fun and frolic with eucatastrophic* results. This Teacher’s day, get a hold over your team and fall in line for activities or games in the office itself. It can be anything, for example:
1. Make A Rectangle:
- Here is a fun game that you can play in the office premises.
- You need to blindfold all your colleagues. Now, you should divide your employees into different groups with about five to six members in each group.
- You should now hand out a rope to each group.
- The members of each group have to try and form a rectangle.
- Add some fun rules to make it a little challenging for the employees, such as no one should touch or instruct each other, and no giggling.
2. Quiz Competition: One of the most competitive but an amazing adrenal filled game.
- Divide the teams with 3-4 equal participants.
- Name the teams with interesting names.
- Arrange a quiz regarding any particular topics like GK or Literature or IT. It can be anything which makes it interesting.
- Arrange a buzzer or bell for every team.
- Let the final round have a long list of questions in a ‘RAPID FIRE MODE’
3. Fancy Dress:
- Set a theme for the day
- Arrange stickers to stick on the back of employees where they will be named after a fictitious character based on the day’s theme.
- The rule is, who so ever calls the real person’s name would have to pay a fine of some amount.
- The one with the maximum amount will be declared as the winner.
4. School Campaigning:
- Arrange a campaign where you will be taking the underprivileged kids to nearby schools.
- Educate the illiterate mass about the importance of school and how one can benefit from it.
- Ask your employees to volunteer for street plays to be enacted before the unprivileged society. Ask your management to get some coverage so that the issue spreads to nearby villages too.
Does not matter whichever event you decide to stage on the day of Dr. Radha Krishnan’s birthday. At the end of the day, it should carry the meaning and think of the day. The Education and The Teachers are the core of innovation and progression. They sow the seed and shape the future. To all the teachers, to all their efforts, “#Orgulistic* KVRians” salute them.
#we have used some of the words in the article which came up from the list of words, which the employees of KVR Webtech threw in the pit of the challenge. Here are the meanings of them:
• Orgulous: Proud
• Nifty: Good
• Bibliophile: Book Lover
• Eucatastrophic: Happy Ending

An enthusiastic Human Being with a zeal to express as much she can in words… and Blogs gave her a medium to express and share her knowledge. Has written for eminent blogs and fields like the social media, internet marketing, technology, lifestyle (tattoos, body art, fashion, etc.), politics, and the list is still increasing.