Have you ever experienced some weird ads popping over the page when you visit a non-HTTPS site? You will be flabbergasted to know that those ads are not from the web page; instead, they act as an impersonator to track your personal information. This kind of behavior is overcome by adding an “S” to HTTP. And Google has taken a strong step to curb all non-HTTPS sites by its recent move that would name and shame websites with unencrypted connections. Google’s move will push the web developers to come up with HTTPS encrypted connections.
What does an HTTP site mean?
Whatever goes over a non-HTTPS site is nothing but just a plain text- Like your password or credit card information. This relevant personal information becomes prey to an attacker with an aim to misuse such personal data or information.
- After the Google’s announcement, if you will be an owner of an insecure HTTP website, you may witness a high bounce rate because your visitors will be welcomed with a ‘Non-Secure’ message on their Google Chrome browser. A ‘Non-Secure’ indication will alarm the visitors that they can’t simply trust your website.
- An SSL Certificate is mandatory to make your website secure. SSL Certificate encrypts the connection between your computer and the website’s server. So, if your website still displays ‘Not Secure’ indication, it implies that you do not own an SSL Certificate and Google advise you to get the certificate in order to make your visitor’s experience safe and secure.
How Google arrived at its recent announcement?
Google didn’t come up with its recent announcement regarding HTTPS websites in overnight, Google followed a structured approach to reach the announcement it made recently. Let’s ponder upon the following timeline and understand Google’s vision:
Why is it important to move your site to HTTPS?
Chrome is dedicated to making it as easy as possible to set up HTTPS and as per the facts, 81 of the top 100 sites on the web use HTTPS by default. Following the route of HTTPS is the perfect choice to survive this tough competition hosted by Google.
- HTTPS boosts Google rankings and SEO.
- HTTPS strengthens website speed, as HTTP2 is faster than HTTP.
- HTTPS allows the public to undergo safer experience over public Wi-Fi.
- HTTPS decreases bounce rate by improving customer confidence.
- HTTPS paves way for website security and privacy.
Google’s recent announcement is highly welcomed. This will pave way for safer, quicker and rational user experience.