KVR Webtech is a leading Digital Marketing Company in India providing the range of Internet marketing services ie. SEO, Website Design & Development, Social Media Marketing, Content Writing and App Development.
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Search Engine Marketing

Google Penguin 1.1 Officially Launched

Google Penguin 1.1 update is officially live now. Google’s Matt Cutts publicized the news on Twitter 26th of this month, calling it a “data refresh”...

Mobile Optimized Website – A Must-Have!

purchase viagra uk  In today’s tech savvy world the growing popularity of Smartphones like iPhone, iPad and Android have made internet accessible on mobile. According...

Did Google Panda or Penguin slapped your website

Google’s two new algorithms have left many websites wobbling. Firstly, it was Panda update that penalized many websites badly. After Panda it was Penguin update...

Is Google trying to hide Analytics data deliberately in order to make money?

If you might have noticed the Google Analytics account that shows all the search analytics for your websites has a new element added to it....

Mobile web will dominate internet search so why not optimize websites now!

Mobile internet usage is going to overtake desktop internet usage by the year 2014 and those who will not preempt and design a marketing strategy...

WordPress WordAds to bring more revenue for selective bloggers

“ Over the years one of the most frequent requests on WordPress.com has been to allow bloggers to earn money from their blog through ads....

SEO comes before website design, Agree?

Normally when you as a client want to get you website designed from a web designer it is the first step towards a good or...

Mobile Friendly Website Versus Desktop Friendly Website

Since the origin of Internet and invention of computers we have encountered enormous number of latest technologies and devices to make this world a small...

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