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Google Search Spam Update 2: Will It Hurt or Benefit Your Website?

So Google is on the spree of releasing updates. The past three months have witnessed the release of Page Experience Update, June Core Update, May Update, and Product Reviews Update.

The latest one is the Google spam update. This update has been released into two parts—the first one was released on June 23rd while the second one was on June 28. Many websites have already started experiencing fluctuations in their ranking since the launching of these two updates.

Here we will discuss the second part of the spam update.


What is Google Spam Update? Why Google Launched It?

Google spam update, as the name suggests, is a step by Google to deal with spam found in the search results. The most common spam practices include auto-generated content, link schemes, cloaking, hidden text or links, scraped content, doorway pages, and abusing structured data. Google spam update will penalize the sites with such malicious practices to protect users’ data and money. The first part of the Google spam update was released on June 23, 2021, while the second one was rolled out on June 28, 2021.

Google is looking more determined to take on spam. And it has even deployed AI (artificial intelligence) to spearhead its campaign against spammed content. As a result, Google has “reduced sites with auto-generated and scraped content by more than 80% compared to a couple of years ago.”

The search engine giant has removed most of the hacked spam from search results by improving its capability.

Google has even appealed to the websites to practice good security hygiene.

The below-given image shows that how Google deals with spam content.

Image source: Google

Who Can Feel the Impact of Google Spam Update 2?

Google has officially confirmed that both parts of this spam update are global updates that impact both web results and image results.

However, Google didn’t mention why it released the update in two parts. While it has used AI to detect spam, it hasn’t confirmed yet if the updates were AI-related or driven by new technology.

How Tracking Tools Capture the Google Spam’s Update Impact

No significant changes have been noted by tracking tools so far since the release of spam update part 2. Maybe it takes time to see any big changes from this spam update or maybe the update is tracing specific spam.



(Image source: seoroundtable.com)

(Image source: seoroundtable.com)


(Image source: seoroundtable.com) 

Here’s How SEO Community Experiences the Impact of This Update

Google Spam Update 2, like its previous version, was brought changes to web rankings around the world. For some, it has improved the rankings while others saw not-so-good results with it. And these reactions of the webmasters across the world say it all.


·         “Something’s happened, quite what I’m not at all sure however my global site has had 3 of its 4 best June days in the last 3 days as follows:


Saturday 182.7%

Sunday 133.3%

Monday 207%


The UK hotel pub has also seen a big traffic upturn with its busiest day of the year and the highest since August’s Govt 2020 Eat Out campaign at 230%. … there, that should scew-up everything.”



·         “No changes at all. New hacked/cloaked/spam domains this afternoon getting sucked in en masse. One new hacked domain of the same massive spam campaign I’ve been following has 23,000 fresh crawled and indexed pages over the last few hours.


·         “Seen this reported on here many times. Last night we didn’t have any enquires for 4/5 hours, then in the space of an hour 5 enquiries Just like turning a tap on. Insane.”


·         “As usual, traffic turned off at 9am sharp and has stayed off all day…USA traffic down 40% by 3:30pm. Overall traffic down 23% so far.


·         “My site got a super massive boost the last 2 days that almost completely reversed the actions of the December core update.  Now, today, this has been completely reversed and it’s back exactly to where it was before around two and a half days ago.


Source: Webmasterworld.comCan Google Spam Update Benefit You? Or Will It Kill Your Ranking?

You must have gone through the responses from the webmasters across the world. Google spam update can both reward and penalize you. And this is straightforward—if your site uses ethical practices, it might not be affected. But if you are involved in spam practices such as auto-generated content, cloaking, scraped content, and doorway pages, you can have a dramatic drop in ranking.

The Bottom Line:

With the release of the Google spam update part 2, you can see changes in your ranking sooner or later (especially if there are spam issues). But the update shouldn’t be intimidating if you follow Google’s guidelines for SEO. What do you think? Let me know by commenting below!

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By Varun Sharma

Started working as a digital marketing expert, Varun Sharma is now also a well-known digital marketing speaker – a speaker on performance development, and a trusted mentor to businesses in the digital world. His keynote expositions are based on the digital marketing theories, which provide a fascinating insight into the secrets of high performance.

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