The day Periscope stepped into our lives; it has completely changed the world of video experience and live streaming. And thanks to the social media sites like Twitter that allows users to record live video streams and share in their network.
But, guess what’s next??? Now Twitter’s allows you to bring you live, auto-playing Periscope videos to your timeline Excited? Know more.
In an attempt to boost interest in social network, social media sites are making constant efforts of using videos feature in their services. Earlier, Facebook came up with the Live Streaming Feature. Now Twitter also has made efforts to bring live, Periscope videos to your timeline.
Earlier, the social live streaming service owned by Twitter could only be accessed through a separate app. But now, Periscope videos can be embedded in tweets and played right within the Twitter’s timeline on iOS app.
There’s no doubt in saying that this will get more eyes on Periscope content leading to driving more and more people to use the app. After all, viewable content is much more impactful than still images and content.
Periscope has been a proven success since its launch, building over 100 million live broadcasts and being chosen as Apple’s app of the year. Hence, for now, it can be said that this decision of bringing live Periscope videos directly to Twitter may end up being a smart move. You can read out full story here.

An enthusiastic Human Being with a zeal to express as much she can in words… and Blogs gave her a medium to express and share her knowledge. Has written for eminent blogs and fields like the social media, internet marketing, technology, lifestyle (tattoos, body art, fashion, etc.), politics, and the list is still increasing.