Social Media Marketing

Social Media Trends to Watch Out for in 2024 and Beyond
Social media marketing is no walk in the park. Remember when unannounced algorithm updates were our biggest headache? Fast forward to now, and we're navigating...

Social Media Audit: What it is, How to Do it and What to Expect
You must have a social media account for your business or brand. Well, everyone does in this digital age. And why not? Social media can...

Amazing steps to build a great social media strategy for your Restaurant
What kind of business do you own? Do you serve delicious food? As for your choice of market, we must say that you made...

Social Media Marketing Guide 2022: Generate More Leads and Sales!
Want to improve your social media marketing strategy for 2022? That’s great! And there is no right time to make it happen. According to one report, nearly...

Types of Social Media Influencers. How to Choose the Right One?
The past five years have witnessed the dramatic growth of influencer marketing and are estimated to become a $15 billion industry by 2022.Influencer marketing has gained momentum,...

Facebook’s Miscalculated Metrics: Nightmare For Marketer’s Or Not?
From introduction of “Reactions” to Facebook Live feature, Facebook has come up with so many updates this year. But the miscalculated metrics have really fluffed...

8 Quick Tips to Promote Your Business Event on Social Media
“The Best Way To Create Business Event "Persona" Is Social Media” When it comes to planning or organizing an event, promotion can be a daunting...

Twitter Updates: Increased Video Length, Twitter Engage, Periscope New Button & Magic Pony!
Nowadays, Twitter has turned into a favourite platform to share and discuss different videos. While people from all over the globe are rapidly adapting to...

Podcasting: How Podcast Can Boost Up Your Business Growth?
Power of words has always been very impactful. And the invention of PODCAST has taken this practice to a new level. Simply speak what you...

Social Media Engagements- 7 Amazing Tips to Boost Up Your Business
Simply make your brand awareness with the universe of boisterous and jam-pressed social media. There's a considerable measure to be picked up by social media...