Social media is considered as one of the best platforms when it comes to business promotion, and Facebook is one of them. And, maximum engagement in your social media profile can help in boosting up your business.
But, inspiring fans to get connected on Facebook posts is harder than ever! But, nowadays, it’s a need of an hour. Everybody needs more engagement and more fans on their Facebook page. A Facebook page has myriad potential advantages for your business. You can share important information about your business, raise brand awareness and steer traffic to your website.
In any case, what’s the secret behind getting more people to like, share, and comment on your posts? Luckily, the answer is simple. You should post content that really resounds with your particular fan base, makes them talk, and always keep up that personal connection.
Here are the 11 astonishing Facebook post ideas to boost business page engagement. Take a look;
#1 Ask Your Fans for Business Decisions
If these kind of questions strikes in your mind like- Does your company need another logo? Is there any need to add new features in your products and services? What kind of blogs are more in demand? Or maybe you don’t know what you should be writing on your blog. +our Facebook fans? Clearing your queries through fans is an awesome way to support engagement at your page.
#2 Post Questions & Fill ups
Fill ups and inquiries will get your fans reacting without fail. Believe me, individuals adore this kind of content. Also, your Facebook post will get you a great deal of reactions. It’s just fun!
#3 Run a Poll/Survey
Polls or Surveys are extraordinary for creating discussion, as well as for increasing profitable bits of knowledge from your audience.
Some ideas for polls are like;
- What services or products you want us to offer?
- What is the biggest challenge of your life?
- What way has worked best for you when it comes to ________?
You can also read:8 Quick Tips to Promote Your Business Event on Social Media
#4 Arrange a Contest and Offer Discounts/Giveaways
Everybody adores a good contest! Also, there is a huge amount of awesome contest apps out there that you can use to run your challenge and get messages to add to your list! You can run a Facebook contest directly on your fan page by offering them giveaways or give discounts on products and services.
#5 Share Inspirational and Funny images
Posting inspirational or funny images on the FB page can work wonders. To energize and motivate fans, this type of content is also the best to generate engagement. This works with every client in excellent way!
#6 Occasional or Event Based Posts
By sharing an occasion or any event picture, quote or greeting centered around an upcoming holiday can really boost your FB page. Try to put in a personal touch, if it is possible. This reminds your fans that you are a genuine as a person or a company and they really love to follow your posts!
#7 Blog Post Excerpts
There are many entrepreneurs posting links on their blog posts, without including any unique context. While sharing a blog post, make sure to add a backstory or short excerpt from the post so that your fans understand what is there while clicking on the link.
#8 Share Interesting Videos
Video sharing is the best thing on Facebook. There are more than 8 billion videos that are viewed on Facebook every day. To support your business page among more traffic, one can post Behind-the-scenes videos of you and your team. Or, create a video describing your product and services. All you need is to get creative.
#9 Share An Expert Tips
Share a tip from a person who is expert of that industry for taking care of that issue or winning a challenge. And, that expert can be a fan or you.
#10 Experts Interview
Also, upload expert’s interview on your Facebook page related to your business to help your fans to generate interest and drive traffic to your website.
#11 Share Office or Employees Images
Sharing Behind-the-scenes photographs of people working in the office cultivate your business and help you emerge from the competition. Today, transparency is the thing that is all needed by fans. More organizations are interested in this idea and are seeing extraordinary results as far as engagement from posting these kind of posts.
So, above were the 11 amazing tips on Facebook posts ideas to enhance business page engagement.
Any questions? Then, do post it in the comments, and we’ll be happy to answer!
And, also if the post was helpful, do share on your favorite social media sites!
You can also read more informative articles regarding social media marketing here.

An enthusiastic Human Being with a zeal to express as much she can in words… and Blogs gave her a medium to express and share her knowledge. Has written for eminent blogs and fields like the social media, internet marketing, technology, lifestyle (tattoos, body art, fashion, etc.), politics, and the list is still increasing.