Her day starts with waking up at 4 in the morning, making sure that each of her family members goes to work timely with filled stomach and day ends with feeding some mouth-watering dishes to relieve all-day stress in no-time. You might have guessed who she is. She is none other than a MOM.
But have you ever wondered how she alleviates the stress hidden behind her smile?
This Mother’s Day, try to be in her shoes and witness the hard work she does for you and your family. It’s time to make her feel special and bring a big smile on her face.
Me, Mom and Our Majestic Mother’s Day…
Mother’s Day
is just a few days away and I have planned to celebrate this Mother’s Day by playing the role of my mom. There is no mother who loves any sort of materialistic gifts, so I decided to amalgamate some creative and materialistic ideas to make her feel special this Mother’s Day.
1) Wake Up Early To Surprise Her
Sunday is a Funday for me and I love to spend whole day in my bed with eyes closed. No one dares to wake me up before the clock hits 1 in the afternoon. But this Sunday is special and I will start my day waking up early in the morning to surprise my mom. My mom wakes up at 4am so I will set an alarm for 3.45am, to spare 15 minutes to get lazy in the bed.
2) Be A Cook And Add Some Love To The Breakfast
Although I am not at all a good cook and if ranked on the scale from 0 to 10, I am confident enough to get a big ostrich egg in my cooking skills. But when there is a question of mother’s happiness, anyone can become a good cook. This Mother’s Day, I will make my mom feel special by preparing the breakfast for the entire family. As soon as she will arrive at the kitchen, I will love to capture her surprised and tranquil face.
3) Pick Up The Broom And Clean The Home
While everyone will be enjoying their breakfast cooked by me, I on the other hand will spend some time in room with the broom. Within a blink of an eye, I will turn the home into my mother’s dream place with no dust in any corner of the house. As a bonus, I will also clean fans of the house as they are out of reach for my mother.
4) Take Her Out And Give Her A Surprise
11 in the morning when my mom again steps in the kitchen to prepare lunch for the family, I will just insist her to accompany me on a ride to nearby market. Once we reach the market, she will be definitely surprised when I will park my car near the spa salon. Being a mother can be highly demanding and stressful, so moms deserve the gift of relaxation and self-care.
5) Surprise Followed By Another Surprise
The moment her spa session will about to finish, I will be waiting outside the room with another surprise in my hands- A brand new dress for her with a lunch date awaiting in the nearby restaurant. Her smile and glow on the face at that moment will be worth capturing.
6) Take Her Out On A Movie Date
Just sit, relax and think how long back you took your mom out on a movie? Although her pet dialogue is, ‘She hates movies’ but if we step in her heart, we can find her love for movies. Moms resist going out for movies because of her obligations back at home. So a movie treat followed by a dinner date will be the most relaxing and entertaining gift for her.
7) Ending The Day With A Final Gift For My Tech-Savvy Mom
The day ends with some heavy meals and lots of entertainment. My mom will be back on track from Monday and being a fitness freak she is always worried about her ever-increasing weight. So, I will gift her fitness band to track her day to day fitness and reach her desired goal. With this technologically advanced fitness band, she will remain motivated to achieve her personal goals.
Roots of the flower make sure that every part of the flower gets sufficient amount of diet for their healthy growth. Mothers are the roots of the family who take care of every member with all her heart, sacrificing her happiness for the family members. Make your moms feel special by spending some quality time with her. She demands nothing more than your time and love.

An enthusiastic Human Being with a zeal to express as much she can in words… and Blogs gave her a medium to express and share her knowledge. Has written for eminent blogs and fields like the social media, internet marketing, technology, lifestyle (tattoos, body art, fashion, etc.), politics, and the list is still increasing.