Content syndication: What is it?
Third-party websites republish web-based content through content syndication. You can syndicate almost any kind of digital content, including blog posts, articles, infographics, videos, etc. The process is similar to the give and takes a system. Eventually, the third-party website gets relevant content for free. This free publicity boosts the creator’s organic traffic, and backlinks point to their website.
Media industries have long used syndication. In the pre-internet era, newspapers and magazines had been printing syndicated content provided by smaller publications and freelance writers. They benefited from this arrangement. In this case, the smaller publisher is more likely to gain fame and reach a much larger audience. Large publications gain access to more content without requiring substantial resources.
Content Syndication works: –
Imagine you have written amazing content but you don’t have a reach to a larger audience, at this type of situation you need to focus on how to increase your reach.
As we all know content marketing is a waste if it is not able to reach out to the right audience.
When you syndicate your content with a third party that has the resource of your audience type, it will benefit you using traffic as well as conversions.
Always keep one thing in your mind that Syndicating content is only the first step to get reach your potential buyers, there is more to do on it.
For example – Let’s imagine you have republished your well-crafted content to one of the authoritative websites and created a backlink to your site. This will help you to increase your domain authority and rank higher on the Search engine result page.
Is it ok to use the same content again?
It’s much the same story in the age of the internet. You can syndicate your online content. The correct strategy of syndication can help you to get reach, traffic and increase your conversions too. According to a survey, content syndication is a core lead generation tactic for major B2B marketers.
Here’s how it works:
There are several types of content syndication that is –
- Earned Syndication
As a foundation for their editorial output, some blogs and news outlets rely on syndicated content.
- Social Syndication
In this type of syndication, two companies promote third-party content on their website or social media platforms.
- Co-Marketing
Here, when two or more companies join hands and promote third party’s content together with a joint effort.
How Content Syndication helps in SEO?
Content that is syndicated is duplicate content. This will negatively impact your search engine rankings.
Multiple versions of the same content do not rank well on Google. The search engine will only include one version, and it prefers the version that appears on the most popular, high-traffic website. That would most likely be the site created by the content creator.
You can’t gain exposure by syndicating content, only to lose it through reduced organic traffic to your website.
Fortunately, you can increase your syndicated content’s SEO value by ensuring that it is properly indexed on your site and your syndication partner’s site.
3 Tips for Great Content Syndication
- Find relevant partners
You should ensure your content is featured on high-ranking sites that reach your target audience when republishing your content. Reach out to potential syndication partners. Your content is likely to be of interest to them if it matches their interests.
- Work out the most effective way to syndicate
Sometimes it’s helpful to syndicate an entire piece of content to third-party websites. Other times, you may want to syndicate just the catchy headline along with a link back to your site. Websites, audiences, and types of content all play a role. Include hyperlinks to your landing page or website whenever possible and appropriate, as well as a CTA to encourage conversions.
- Plan ahead
The most effective content syndication strategy is one that has a solid strategy. Excellent content is the basis for a successful strategy. The next thing you need to do is select your syndication partners and define your short-term and long-term goals for your content syndication plan.
Sources of syndication
While thinking about content syndication, consider these networks to increase your reach to your potential audience: –
- Blogging Platforms
Syndicated content is a great option for blogging platforms since they have their audience and you can determine the volume and frequency at which you want to publish your content.
The basic benefit of this platform is they allow you to create your blog on their website.
Content Syndication Service
There are so many companies that can help you to syndicate your content on authoritative websites, they have a strong network with these websites and their recommendation can easily help you to get what you are looking for.
Best time to Syndicate your Content: –
Every time you are about to syndicate your content takes care that it should be at the appropriate time.
First, publish that content on your site and wait to get it indexed, then syndicate it to the other platform.
How to measure your success?
After syndicating it is important to measure your success, it depends upon factors, such as –
- Engagement – Check that your piece of content can create engagement for your potential customer or not.
- Conversions – Measure the no. of conversions you will get through your syndicate content.
- Gain Rate – Finally how many permanent customers you have made through your syndicating content.
Content Syndication is the new and effective way to reduce your efforts to get in touch with your potential customers.
This will directly increase your brand awareness, traffic, and ROI.
Happy syndication!

An enthusiastic Human Being with a zeal to express as much she can in words… and Blogs gave her a medium to express and share her knowledge. Has written for eminent blogs and fields like the social media, internet marketing, technology, lifestyle (tattoos, body art, fashion, etc.), politics, and the list is still increasing.